This week I started a mural at the Seashore Trolley Musuem in Kennebunkport. I’m so excited and nervous to do it. Of course, I can do it but I am stretching my abilities…literally! It’s very physical and I’m not a spring chicken anymore even though I still think like one. Sitting and painting has its own challenges and can make me stiff but with this there is lot of standing and reaching. I really feel less stiff after a day painting. Go figure. Well enough about my physical abilities.

I’m painting just clouds for now. I would have thought I would have gotten bored of them but no, it’s fun. I am inspired by Bob Ross “Happy Little Clouds”, and Monet’s Impressionism. I am also looking at photos of what the clouds looked like in the location the train track was housed. So many colors in clouds, purple, blue, red, yellow, green, that makes it so fun to paint. Later on, after the track is put back together, I will do some trees maybe homes in the background. I may even be painting a mountain or two, I’m not sure yet.

It’s a great project and I’m so honored to be able to do it. As a friend said…my work will be there for a 100 years or more, pretty nuts to think about. People will be looking at my work for a long time. My partner asked if I’m going to hide some encrypted message in it. An interesting thought. I’m not sure what I would add, maybe birds but it’s truly up to the Trolley Museum if I do that. For now I’m just having fun!!

Diane Lent